About The New Year

I am spending New Years Eve blocking any advertisement, guru or corporate entity who even dares to hint or suggest 2023 to be an opportunity for a “New Year, New You.”

I will not spend one more dime on some book, program or person promising to fix me. There is no bandwagon of self help I am willing to jump on, only to create discouragement and low self worth when it isn’t executed perfectly.

I will not be dieting. Zero chance.

I will not be counting points, buying products or gym memberships.

I will however try to make good choices for my overall health.

I will make time for exercise because its good for my mental health and not to target some problem area. The exercise will not happen daily.

Writing morning pages will be a choice, not a chore.

If I don’t want to meditate, I won’t.

I may or may not be grateful about everything all the time.

I likely will not be mindful of every single moment.

Posting here will happen organically. I am not willing to force the creative part of me by making one more writing schedule. I have done it enough to know there is still a rebellious teenager inside me who will not conform to time constraints. It sounds like the discipline I need until I get through the month and am forced to acknowledge what I neglected to get done. Feeling like a failure is not the vibe I’m going for.

I will not be buying a 2023 planner. This might be the hardest one, I love a new planner.

I will work on some habits I would like to change, but they are not my priority and do not have to happen in the time span of a year.

Some days I will lay on the couch all day and maybe the day after as well. I get depressed. It’s fine. It will go away.

I do intend to give 100% to healing and 0% to fixing anything or anyone. I am not going to strive for or expect anything.

I’m going to simply exist. This doesn’t mean I won’t continue to work on my goals. It just means I won’t be pressuring myself with unrealistic expectations or even realistic ones.

If an opportunity presents itself, I will take it no matter how fearful I am. I will continue forward with both positivity and skepticism because that’s how I operate. I will do so knowing I have zero control over 2023.

The year will be what it will be, it likely won’t be the best year ever or even the worst. Maybe it will be both - best and worst in the same 365 days.

Whatever it is I will do my best to navigate it for myself and my family.


Seasonal Rivalry